JHStheaterarts Mission Statement

The Jenkintown High School Theater Arts Program is dedicated to nurturing and developing the talents of the Jenkintown High School student body and providing a safe and creative environment where the artists can cultivate their craft within a supportive and caring community.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Dining Room Audition Information

Dear Friends,
Please take time and read through your scripts this weekend. Our auditions are Thursday evening, December 17th, beginning at 7:15 p.m. I will need to know what scenes you will be reading by Monday.
I encourage you to seek out other actors to work on your scenes. Please prepare two (2) scenes for the auditions. You do NOT have to memorize your parts, but you do have to come prepared with a background of your character (see new page-to your right) that you will be asked to share.
Thank you for supporting the Theater Arts Program. I am looking forward to working you.
"For every show I direct, each student is asked to go through a detailed char­ac­ter analysis process. I’ve spent the past ten years putting together this com­pre­hen­sive packet. In my expe­ri­ence, a detailed char­ac­ter study is impor­tant in both musi­cals and non-musicals. It seems obvi­ous to the­atre edu­ca­tors to delve into char­ac­ter analy­sis for straight plays. I have also found that it can truly change a musi­cal, espe­cially when the ensem­ble takes time to truly develop their char­ac­ters. The ensem­ble is eas­ily for­got­ten after they have been taught their songs and dances, but they cre­ate the world of the play. The more the ensem­ble under­stands about their char­ac­ters and rela­tion­ships, the more invested they will be in mak­ing them come to life. Feel free to use all or parts of this for your future pro­duc­tions. I hope you find it useful."
Character Analysis
Ginger Morris
Austin, Texas

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