JHStheaterarts Mission Statement

The Jenkintown High School Theater Arts Program is dedicated to nurturing and developing the talents of the Jenkintown High School student body and providing a safe and creative environment where the artists can cultivate their craft within a supportive and caring community.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Why have Callbacks?

What is a Callback after an Audition?

A Callback means that the casting director and perhaps others involved in casting roles in a project like what they saw in your initial acting audition and are interested in seeing you again for that project.  Obviously, this is a good thing and you must celebrate being called back.

If you do get a callback, you did something the casting director really liked/or you have the “right” look or personality for the role.  The director may also see traits in your performance that might be served well in other roles in regards to the project.

Go in with an open mind-enjoy the experience.

When you don’t get a callback it does not mean that you did not do a good job in your acting.  It may be that you were not right for a particular role.

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