JHStheaterarts Mission Statement

The Jenkintown High School Theater Arts Program is dedicated to nurturing and developing the talents of the Jenkintown High School student body and providing a safe and creative environment where the artists can cultivate their craft within a supportive and caring community.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Aida Post

Hey Guys,

I am sitting here thinking how incredibly special you all are. I didn't know you all posted these beautiful comments until just now. I am speechless-which is pretty amazing coming from me, right? It was a very special journey we all took. I had a funny feeling that this was going to be quite a unique experience because you all were so dedicated way back in August. No one complained about working in the summer-no one commented on the fact that we all learned the ensemble numbers before lead auditions. There was no hierarchy-we were all valuable participants for the betterment of the production.

I have been flooded with e-mails from staff and audience members....RAVING about you, your energy, your talents.
We were all part of something that will forever change all our lives.
This Thanksgiving, I will have all of you in my heart.....and will take a moment to savor our accomplishments.
Be well and peaceful.

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