JHStheaterarts Mission Statement

The Jenkintown High School Theater Arts Program is dedicated to nurturing and developing the talents of the Jenkintown High School student body and providing a safe and creative environment where the artists can cultivate their craft within a supportive and caring community.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

12 AJ Character Breaking Points!

Foreman: Leader and authority in the room - not allowed to have a breaking point, but starting to lose patience when 3 outbursts at 8.
2: Quiet and not opinionated - merely an observer - no visible breaking point
3: Very end - mental breakdown when realizing his motives - NOT guilty.
4: “I’ve had Enough!” after 10’s monologue about “them” (racism)
5: Gentle - caretaker so she is also patient and careful.
6: NO POINT: gentle, motherly and patient. She does not have a breaking point in this play (maybe when 3 has an outburst she is beginning to break but maintains composition)
7: Although careless throughout the entire play, “I’m a little sick of this whole thing” page 56 ALSO page 53 “What do you mean I don’t understand it?” to 11
8: No breaking point - moments of frustration and intensity but maintains composition throughout
9: “I am the same man” - monologue about old man who ran outside the apartment
10: After everyone turns their back to her after her monologue - time out chair
11: No visible breaking point - “Please, I am used to this, it’s alright, thank you.” Page 54

12: Main motive is to please everyone as much as possible: “i’m in advertising” isn’t allowed to lose patience or break.

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